Progression Leçon
0% Terminé

Learning Objectives: 

  • Build trust and mutual value in professional relationships.

  • Stay visible and relevant in your network.

  • Reconnect with dormant connections effectively.


  • Building Trust:

    • Focus on giving before taking. 

    • Celebrate milestones such as promotions and achievements.

  • Staying Visible:

    • Use tools like LinkedIn to maintain presence.

    • Send periodic updates or share relevant industry insights.

  • Reconnecting After Gaps:

    • Approach dormant connections with sincerity.

    • Re-establish trust and provide relevant value.

Interactive Exercises: 

  1. Scenario Simulation: Choose the best approach to reconnect with a former colleague.

  2. Maintenance Plan Development: Create a long-term relationship management plan for key connections.


  • Participants develop strategies to sustain meaningful, long-term professional relationships
