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AMP Seminar 2 : Management and Leadership
0% Terminé
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Module 5_Sustaining high performance over time
Eurenco Leadership Model
Module 4_Developing a roadmap for team efficiency -
Module 3_Applying the executive team assessment framework
Communication EssentialsModule 2_Mastering Lencioni's 5 dysfuntions of a team
Module 1_Understanding the value of Executive team efficiency
Seminar and Program Introduction
Eurenco Way
Presentation formation et auto-assessment
Develop your Influence and NetworkModule Communication Essentials Overview
Structuring a Pitch
Developing storytelling skills
Interview Skills
Management RoutinesSpeaking on Videos
Developing high impact networks for executives4 Chapitres
Developing delegation capabilities under pressure4 Chapitres
Mastering the John Heron model to enhance influence
Strategic influence mastering the allies strategy for leadership success
Management Routine Toolkit Presentation
Establishing Managerial Rituals for High-Performing Teams
Leçon 14,
Chapitre 3
En cours
Chapter 3 – Leveraging Networking Opportunities at Events and Conferences
Progression Leçon
0% Terminé
Learning Objectives:
Master the art of effective networking at professional events.
Learn strategies for preparation, execution, and follow-up.
Preparation Before the Event:
Research attendees, speakers, and topics of interest.
Set clear networking objectives.
Networking During the Event:
Open conversations with confidence using icebreakers.
Manage group interactions and exit gracefully when needed.
Post-Event Follow-Up:
Send personalized thank-you messages.
Share relevant resources or schedule follow-up meetings.
Interactive Elements:
Checklist Exercise: Complete a pre-event checklist to prepare for success.
Simulated Networking Event: Choose the best approaches to engage attendees in different scenarios.
Follow-Up Practice: Draft a follow-up message to a contact met during the event.
Participants gain confidence and practical skills for event-based networking.